photograph of sneakers worn by two different people sitting beside each other on a graffitied wall with the words Ask Laeney layered over the top

How do I come back after a friend break up?

ask laeney friendship tween advice

Ask Laeney is an advice column for tweens written by BaseCamper Laeney. Laeney (pronounced LAY-nee) is in junior high in a western state and is busy trying lots of different activities. She has a twin sister (not identical), an older sister in high school, and two cute dogs. Ask Laeney questions about being a tween and she will respond on this site. Email her at [email protected] 

Dear Laeney, 

How do I come back after a friend break up? 



Hi Ivy,

This is a hard question to answer, and to be honest, there isn’t really one way. But there are some key points and things to do. 

First, don’t let whatever happened break your confidence, know your worth.

Second, rely on someone you trust. This means have someone you can talk to so you can talk through your emotions, thoughts, and worries. Personally this really helped me. When I was going through my friend break up, I talked to my parents because I trusted them and they trusted me.

Third, try to use what happened as a tool when you are making friends, to know what to look for as signs of a bad friend.

Fourth, try to look for friends that are in other places. For example when I had problems with friends at school, I found a new friend when I started horseback riding. Last but not least, try to move on. Don't let the break up define you or become you. This helped me regain confidence and discover new things and not let it dictate my life.

I hope this helps!